在用typescript时,vue-property-decorator 是在 vue-class-component 上增强了更多的结合 Vue 特性的装饰器,新增了这 7 个装饰器:
- @Emit
- @Inject
- @Model
- @Prop
- @Provide
- @Watch
- @Component (从 vue-class-component 继承)
为什么需要vue-class-component? 在typescript里写vue 每次都需要写很多额外的形式代码:
AOP 面向切面编程
- 首先创建一个普通的Man类,它的抵御值 2,攻击力为 3,血量为 3;
- 然后我们让其带上钢铁侠的盔甲,这样他的抵御力增加 100,变成 102;
- 让其带上光束手套,攻击力增加 50,变成 53;
- 最后让他增加“飞行”能力
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| class Man { constructor(def = 2, atk = 3, hp = 3) { this.init(def, atk, hp) }
init(def, atk, hp) { this.def = def this.atk = atk this.hp = hp }
toString() { return `防御力: ${this.def},攻击力: ${this.atk},血量:${this.hp}` } }
var tony = new Man() console.log(`当前状态 ===> ${tony}`)
然后 创建 decorateArmour 方法,为钢铁侠装配盔甲——注意 decorateArmour 是装饰在方法init上的
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| function decorateArmour(target, key, descriptor) { const method = descriptor.value let moreDef = 100 let ret descriptor.value = (...args) => { args[0] += moreDef ret = method.apply(target, args) return ret } return descriptor }
class Man { constructor(def = 2, atk = 3, hp = 3) { this.init(def, atk, hp) }
@decorateArmour init(def, atk, hp) { this.def = def this.atk = atk this.hp = hp }
toString() { return `防御力:${this.def},攻击力:${this.atk},血量:${this.hp}` } }
var tony = new Man(); console.log(`当前状态 ===> ${tony}`);
Decorators 的本质是利用了 ES5 的 Object.defineProperty 属性,这三个参数其实是和 Object.defineProperty 参数一致的,因此不能更改,详细分析请见 细说 ES7 JavaScript Decorators
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| function decorateLight(target, key, descriptor) { const method = descriptor.value; let moreAtk = 50; let ret; descriptor.value = (...args)=>{ args[1] += moreAtk; ret = method.apply(target, args); return ret; } return descriptor; }
class Man{ constructor(def = 2,atk = 3,hp = 3){ this.init(def,atk,hp); }
@decorateArmour @decorateLight init(def,atk,hp){ this.def = def; this.atk = atk; this.hp = hp; } ... } var tony = new Man(); console.log(`当前状态 ===> ${tony}`);
- 增加一个方法
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| function addFly(canFly) { return function(target) { target.canFly = canFly let extra = canFly ? '(技能加成:飞行能力)' : '' let method = target.prototype.toString
target.prototype.toString = (...args) => { return method.apply(target.prototype, args) + extra } return target } }
- 用这个方法去直接装饰类
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| function addFly(canFly) { } @addFly(true) class Man { constructor(def = 2, atk = 3, hp = 3) { this.init(def, atk, hp) } @decorateArmour @decorateLight init(def, atk, hp) { this.def = def this.atk = atk this.hp = hp } } console.log(`当前状态 ===> ${tony}`);
经典实现 Logger
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| let log = type => (target, name, descriptor) => { const method = descriptor.value descriptor.value = (...args) => { console.info(`(${type} 正在执行:${name}(${args}) = ?`) let ret try { ret = method.apply(target, args) console.info(`(${tytpe} 成功:${name}(${args}) => ${ret})`) } catch (error) { console.error(`(${tytpe} 失败:${name}(${args}) => ${error})`) } return ret } }
class IronMan { @log('IronMan 自检阶段') check() { return '检查完毕' }
@log('IronMan 攻击阶段') attack() { return '击倒敌人' }
@log('IronMan 机体报错') error() { throw 'something is wrong!' } }
var tony = new IronMan() tony.check(); tony.attack(); tony.error();
- 首先使用
const method = descriptor.value
- 在
try catch
语句是调用 ret = method.apply(target, args)
- 最后返回
return ret
vue-property-decorator 是在 vue-class-component 上增强了更多的结合 Vue 特性的装饰器,新增了这 7 个装饰器:
- @Emit
- @Inject
- @Model
- @Prop
- @Provide
- @Watch
- @Component (从 vue-class-component 继承)
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| import Vue, {PropOptions, WatchOptions} from 'vue' import Component, {createDecorator} from 'vue-class-component' import 'reflect-metadata'
export type Constructor = { new(...args: any[]): any }
export { Component, Vue }
export function Inject(key?: string | symbol): PropertyDecorator { return createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { if (typeof componentOptions.inject === 'undefined') { componentOptions.inject = {} } if (!Array.isArray(componentOptions.inject)) { componentOptions.inject[k] = key || k } }) }
export function Provide(key?: string | symbol): PropertyDecorator { return createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { let provide: any = componentOptions.provide if (typeof provide !== 'function' || !provide.managed) { const original = componentOptions.provide provide = componentOptions.provide = function(this: any) { let rv = Object.create((typeof original === 'function' ? original.call(this) : original) || null) for (let i in provide.managed) rv[provide.managed[i]] = this[i] return rv } provide.managed = {} } provide.managed[k] = key || k }) }
export function Model(event?: string, options: (PropOptions | Constructor[] | Constructor) = {}): PropertyDecorator { return function (target: Vue, key: string) { if (!Array.isArray(options) && typeof (options as PropOptions).type === 'undefined') { (options as PropOptions).type = Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', target, key) } createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { (componentOptions.props || (componentOptions.props = {}) as any)[k] = options componentOptions.model = { prop: k, event: event || k } })(target, key) } }
export function Prop(options: (PropOptions | Constructor[] | Constructor) = {}): PropertyDecorator { return function (target: Vue, key: string) { if (!Array.isArray(options) && typeof (options as PropOptions).type === 'undefined') { (options as PropOptions).type = Reflect.getMetadata('design:type', target, key) } createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { (componentOptions.props || (componentOptions.props = {}) as any)[k] = options })(target, key) } }
export function Watch(path: string, options: WatchOptions = {}): MethodDecorator { const { deep = false, immediate = false } = options
return createDecorator((componentOptions, handler) => { if (typeof componentOptions.watch !== 'object') { componentOptions.watch = Object.create(null) } (componentOptions.watch as any)[path] = { handler, deep, immediate } }) }
const hyphenateRE = /\B([A-Z])/g const hyphenate = (str: string) => str.replace(hyphenateRE, '-$1').toLowerCase()
export function Emit(event?: string): MethodDecorator { return function (target: Vue, key: string, descriptor: any) { key = hyphenate(key) const original = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function emitter(...args: any[]) { if (original.apply(this, args) !== false) this.$emit(event || key, ...args) } } }
export function Off(event?: string, method?: string): MethodDecorator { return function (target: Vue, key: string, descriptor: any) { key = hyphenate(key) const original = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function offer(...args: any[]) { if (original.apply(this, args) !== false) { if (method) { if (typeof this[method] === 'function') { this.$off(event || key, this[method]) } else { throw new TypeError('must be a method name') } } else if (event) { this.$off(event || key) } else { this.$off() } } } } }
export function On(event?: string): MethodDecorator { return createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { const key = hyphenate(k) if (typeof componentOptions.created !== 'function') { componentOptions.created = function () { } } const original = componentOptions.created componentOptions.created = function () { original() if (typeof componentOptions.methods !== 'undefined') { this.$on(event || key, componentOptions.methods[k]) }
} }) }
export function Once(event?: string): MethodDecorator { return createDecorator((componentOptions, k) => { const key = hyphenate(k) if (typeof componentOptions.created !== 'function') { componentOptions.created = function () { } } const original = componentOptions.created componentOptions.created = function () { original() if (typeof componentOptions.methods !== 'undefined') { this.$once(event || key, componentOptions.methods[k]); } } }) }
export function NextTick(method: string): MethodDecorator { return function (target: Vue, key: string, descriptor: any) { const original = descriptor.value descriptor.value = function emitter(...args: any[]) { if (original.apply(this, args) !== false) if (typeof this[method] === 'function') { this.$nextTick(this[method]) } else { throw new TypeError('must be a method name') } } } }